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Housing First for Youth Service Delivery Model

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Lesson 1 of 6
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About the Training

This training is the third in a 3-part series on Housing First for Youth (HF4Y). In Part 3, HF4Y Service Delivery Model, you will learn about the day-to-day operations of a model of housing and supports for youth who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.

Part 1 of this training series provided an introduction to a youth homelessness prevention strategy and explored the diverse needs of youth experiencing at risk of or experiencing homelessness.  In Part 1, the core principles and guiding philosophy of Housing First for Youth (HF4Y) were also introduced. You may recall the five core principles are:

  1. A right to housing with no preconditions
  2. Youth choice, youth voice and self-determination
  3. Positive youth development and wellness orientation
  4. Individualized, client-driven supports with no time limits
  5. Social inclusion and community integration

Part 2 in the series focused on providing more specifics of the program model. Lessons focused on the models of accommodation and supports that are required for youth to obtain housing and sustain exits from homelessness. This part of the training also looked at the program model outcomes. Outcomes set out the standards for how HF4Y should be developed and delivered so that programs can achieve the intended impact.

In Part 3 (this training), you will learn more about the service design of HF4Y programs including staffing, team roles, and the case management approach. Finally, you will explore examples of HF4Y programs that have been adapted for specific populations and ways that the program can be implemented in different communities and contexts.

Learning outcomes

After completing this training, students will be able to:

  • Describe how communities can apply HF4Y principles within a system of care to prevent and end youth homelessness
  • Identify key features of the HF4Y service model
  • Describe the HF4Y case management approach
  • Give examples of HF4Y adaptations for specific populations