Point-in-Time Counts
A Point-in-Time (PiT) Count is an estimate of people experiencing homelessness in a community on a single night, and helps communities to better understand that population through information collected in a detailed survey.

About Point-in-Time Count
A Point-in-Time (PiT) Count is a coordinated community effort to estimate the number of people experiencing homelessness in a community on a single night (the “enumeration”) and includes a survey that is administered directly to individuals experiencing homelessness. Conducted over subsequent years, PiT count enumerations can be used by the community to track progress in reducing homelessness and identify changes in overnight location. The survey collects information on the characteristics and experiences of people affected by homelessness to help community organisations and all orders of government better understand and serve the individuals experiencing homelessness in Canada.
Point-in-Time Count Resources
PiT Count resources are categorized into a series of collections that reflect communities’ journey in implementing a PiT Count. These collections of resources provide basic information on how to coordinate a PiT Count:
Everyone Counts 2024 – Training

For more information about Point-in-Time Counts, contact us by email at HPD.Data-Donnees.DPMI@infc.gc.ca