In the first part of this series, Introduction to Housing First for Youth (HF4Y), you explored the core principles and guiding philosophy HF4Y. You may recall the five core principles are:
- A right to housing with no preconditions
- Youth choice, youth voice and self-determination
- Positive youth development and wellness orientation
- Individualized, client-driven supports with no time limits
- Social inclusion and community integration
Part 2 in the series (this training) provides more specific information about the program model. Lessons focus on the models of accommodation and supports that are required for youth to obtain housing and sustain exits from homelessness. Part 2 also focuses on program model outcomes. Outcomes provide the standards for how HF4Y should be developed and delivered so that programs can achieve the intended impact.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this training, students will be able to:
- Describe appropriate housing option for youth in the HF4Y model
- Recognize the range of supports for youth to sustain exits from homelessness
- Describe key features of a youth-focused model of housing and supports to support youth to return to stable housing and transition to adulthood
- Consider the connection between HF4Y development and program outcomes
- Explore collaborations and partnerships that have implemented HF4Y principles