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Digital storytelling is more than a communication tool. Increasingly, digital storytelling is being used to empower storytellers and amplify their experiences. Arts-based approaches have evolved to “shift power imbalances away from the dominating structures in society to address inequality and injustice” (Access Alliance, 2012, p. 3). 

Studies have shown that arts-based research approaches such as digital storytelling are an effective method for shifting perspectives.

  1. Digital storytelling can be a powerful way to overcome bias and confront stereotypes.
  2. Stories can help make us aware of harmful assumptions about people and experiences.
  3. They are a grassroots approach that positions people with lived experience as experts on issues that affect them. It also means that individuals are empowered to take a leadership role in designing solutions.

Stop and Think

Pause and take a moment to consider if any of your views have shifted after watching the digital stories shared in this training so far.

Storytellers are not just the subject of the story, they have creative control and decision-making power. Storytellers own their stories and decide how and when their digital stories will be shared.

Explore Impact

What type of impact are you seeking for your digital storytelling project? What does success look like?

1.1 For each objective, list one way that your digital storytelling project might have a positive impact.

Raise Awareness

Empower Participants

Promote Engagement

Support Healing and Recovery


Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services (2011). Community based research toolkit: Resource for doing research with community for social change.