Making Zero Count

  • Systems Planning

Making Zero Count

The Making Zero Count project set out to refine the definition and measurement of an end to homelessness, specifically the concept of Functional Zero. Functional Zero can be simply defined as: a community where homelessness-related resources match or exceed the demand for them from the target population. These resources are optimized and perform at maximum efficacy.

Ending homelessness requires strong community involvement. In our consultations with communities, it became clear that many communities found it difficult to implement systems-level change at the case management level. Often, there are no clear processes to follow, especially when it comes to working within a cross-agency team.

As a result, the Making Zero Count project developed the resources below to support communities in their work of ending homelessness. Three resources make up the Making Zero Count handbook, in addition to a backgrounder. Each resource aligns with a dimension that may be used in a future framework and is based on feedback that we heard from communities. The resources and tools found in this collection of resources can be used in tandem with existing data collection methods, such as Point-in-Time counts, HIFIS/HMIS and By-Name lists.


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