Community Planning – Moving the Dial on Youth Homelessness in Kingston, Ontario
Increasingly communities across Canada are engaged in the complex work of developing targeted strategies to prevent and end youth homelessness. An early adopter of this work is the community of Kingston, Ontario. Since 2013, Kingston has done the heavy lifting of both developing a strategy and implementing that strategy. Now Kingston is starting to see positive results for young people! See their newly release report that details outcomes from their strategy and most recently the launch of One Roof, a Youth Homelessness Services Hub.
Join A Way Home Canada as we welcome Bhavana Varma from the United Way Kingston Frontenac Lennox and Addington to learn more about how Kingston is implementing the strategies from their youth homelessness community plan, and Tara Everitt from Kingston’s Home Base Housing as she shares details about the development and operations of their award winning Youth Services Hub.