Comparing Models of Permanent Housing
Scattered Site Housing First vs Single Site Supportive Housing
In this webinar, you will hear from experts and practitioners in Canada, the United States and Europe on the topic scattered site Housing First and congregate supportive housing approaches.
The presenters share their research, policies and practices on the following topics:
- The At Home / Chez Soi project in Vancouver, Canada, compared outcomes of individuals living in congregate housing to those living in scattered site housing — Julian Somers
- A program in Trondheim, Norway that supports people to move out of congregate housing into scattered site housing — Guro Ulriksen
- A study in the USA that evaluated place-based and scatter-site permanent supportive housing — Ben Henwood
This webinar was presented in partnership with the Canadian Housing First Network and the Housing First Europe Hub and was the fifth in the international Housing First webinar series.
Originally live streamed on: Wednesday, November 22, 2023.