Introduction to Housing First for Youth

This is Part 1 of Housing First for Youth (HF4Y) online training for youth-serving organizations and housing providers.

Housing First for Youth (HF4Y) training using the HF4Y Framework promotes housing stabilization, well-being and social inclusion for youth experiencing homelessness. HF4Y is based on the successful Housing First model and adapted for young people aged 13-24 to support them to exit homelessness and transition to adulthood. 

This training will introduce participants to the conditions and experiences of youth homelessness and long term outcomes. Through a variety of learning content including videos, case examples and online activities, participants will learn about the HF4Y model, its philosophy and program objectives. Each lesson includes links to practical resources for further learning and to support youth and families on the job. 

This is Part 1 of Housing First for Youth (HF4Y) online training for youth-serving organizations and housing providers. In Part 2, participants explore in depth the housing and other supports that are necessary and appropriate to support youth to find and maintain stable housing. Part 3 provides guidance to operationalize the program model, including service design, staffing roles and responsibilities and case management approach.

Not Enrolled


  • 5 Lessons
  • 17 Topics
  • 5 Quizzes
  • Certificate of Completion


Instructional Design by Karen Bosworth, COH. Special thanks to Heidi Walter and Kim Kakakaway, A Way Home Canada, for their generous guidance and expertise.

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